If you are wanting access to great demographics, or ability to QUICKLY create a simple map to help you sell your deals, I recommend the Business Analyst Online (BAO) class. Our CCIM Chapter has the class here in Austin next month, and here is quick info on why I think it's worth it.
What I Learned in the BAO "Short Course".
· I learned how to quickly create a map showing all the Austin locations for a national chicken restaurant, and draw 3 mile rings around each so that we could search areas that were "available".
· I learned how to create a map which showed the 5 minute 'drive time' area around a retail center that one of my clients was seeking to purchase. The map, created by BAO, showed the amount of retail surplus and 'leakage' in the area. The Lender and Equity partner really liked the fact that we could demonstrate an $80M "gap" of retail in our subject area. Made the deal much easier to sell using quantifiable numbers. (rather than saying "this is a HOT part of town").
Jim Young, CCIM
2016 Vice President Elect, CCIM Central Tx Chapter